Faith Milestones - 4 Year Old Prayers

March 12 - Prayer Buddies

4 Year old Prayer Milestone

Growing lifelong disciples is our mission at Trinity. Faith Milestones are one way we support parents as they continue that mission at home. Teaching your child to pray is an important part of growing into a lifelong disciple. When a child is 4 years old, they receive a prayer buddy during a designated worship service. This buddy is a comforting companion that comes with prayer cards to help reinforce the power of prayer at all ages.

Picture bringing your four year old up to the communion rail to receive their own prayer buddy. Pastors and our family of faith pray for your child and you as parents or guardians. It is a special moment that we hope your family cherishes.

Please contact Trinity's Discipleship Coordinator, DCE Kevin Borchers for information about the next Faith Milestone event for 4-year-olds.