Who We Are

Who we are and what we believe as a church family

Who we are

Trinity Lutheran Church and School cares about one thing more than anything else, Jesus Christ. We have been worshiping Jesus since 1910. What started as German farmers educating their children in 1899 (yes! the school started BEFORE the church!), became a thriving church that loves Jesus, loves the people in our community and serves them in Christ's name.

Our congregation exists today because of our three core values:

  • Abiding in the Word - Belonging through Christ - John 8:31-32
  • Living in the Truth - Cultivating for vocation - 1 Peter 2:5
  • Proclaiming the Gospel to All - Proclaiming in relationships - Mark 16:15

At Trinity our mission is "Growing Lifelong Disciples" and our vision is "The Gospel alive in family, church and community."

If you are interested in more details about our beliefs or our values, mission and vision, please click the links below!

What this means for you

You are always welcome at Trinity. We're saving a place for you. Wherever you're at in your faith journey, you'll always be accepted as a part of the Trinity family.

Beyond that, if you're ready to connect more with others, we invite you to plan a visit or simply get in touch with a person on our team directly by clicking the button below.