Why do we serve?
A part of developing as followers of Jesus is learning to do what He did – like serving His disciples by washing their feet. Jesus healed the sick. He cared for the dying. And in Matthew 25, Jesus reminds us “Whatever you do to the least of these my brothers and sisters, you do to Me.”
Christian missional service opportunities will provide Trinity members and others a chance to serve like Jesus. These missional service opportunities also allow active Christians, de-churched Christians and non-Christians to serve alongside one another. In addition, they serve as an entry point to explore what following Jesus might mean.
Christian service and mission opportunities cement the relationship of Christians to one another. In particular, these opportunities build deeper relationships within life groups. A life group that goes and serves a meal to the poor or sorts clothing for the Clinic grows in commitment to one another and to the cause of Christ.
Finally, missional service opportunities cement the relationship between Christ and youth. We work hard to send as many high schoolers as possible on mission trips. By doing that, we create an environment for young adults to become active followers of Jesus and lead them to a strong faith: researchers have found most youth are determined to stay life-long followers of Jesus if they participate in a mission trip between the ages of 13 and 19.