Altar Flower Orders

Flower arrangements are a wonderful addition to the Altar.

Having flowers by the Altar is a way we glorify God in our actions. These flowers can be in celebration of or in memory of a loved one or an occasion. You can donate to have an arrangement dedicated and this would also offset the cost to the church. Flower arrangements are $50 for 1 arrangement and $100 for 2. Orders must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the requested worship service date.

After you place your order request, Karen Breiter will contact you to confirm. If there is a conflict, she will work with you to resolve it. Duplicate requests for a worship service date will be handled by the order submission date.

Once Karen confirms your order request, she will submit the order to our florist. We ask that submit a check or cash prior to the requested weekend for the designated amount at Trinity's front desk.

*If you would like to order arrangements for a special or holiday service (i.e. Christmas), please contact Peter Stigdon. Arrangements for special or holiday services will incur a higher cost per arrangement.

Please use the form below to place your order request!