Moms Minstry

We want to encourage, equip and educate moms during every season of their mothering journey.

At Moms Ministry we Support and Energize each other!

Whether you are shopping for car seats, packing for your first family road trip, driving car pool, logging behind the wheel hours with a newly permitted driver, or taking a lonely drive home to an empty bedroom…Buckle up and come join us! All Moms are welcome!


We know how important it is to stay connected to God and his word during this wild ride AND we know the value of connection and teamwork as we support and energize each other!


The more the merrier…invite some friends and get ready for a great night with a lesson from the Bible, connection, conversation, fun activities and practical ideas, and lots of laughs. Moms Ministry meets the evening of the 3rd Friday of the month. Meeting locations may vary, so please contact us through the form or email below and we'll provide the latest information and add you to our contact list going forward.

Contact us through the form below, or email us at