Upcoming Events

Click here for highlighted events and access to our full church calendar

What's happening at Trinity?

There's always something happening at Trinity for you and your family. We have some highlighted opportunities below, but also explore our full calendar of upcoming services and events.

Want to get connected more? Ready for your next step? Contact us and let us help!

Summer Choir Fling 2:30 pm Saturday, August 10

August 10th, the Summer Choir Fling is back – starting at 2:30, any interested singers can come join in an afternoon of music and fellowship, culminating with leading worship and sharing our work with the congregation! All are welcome.

Music Ministry and Young Adults Host Youth Worship Sunday, August 11, at 7:00pm

Trinity's Music Ministry and Young Adult group are hosting a Youth Worship Night Sunday, August 11, at 7:00pm. Everyone from high school age through Young Adult are invited. (Young Adult is more of an attitude than a strict chronological value.)

Part of the vision of this evening is to get new musicians involved so come share your musical talent! Singers, guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, and more are needed. If you're on the techie side, people interested in running sound for the band are needed too. Two Saturday rehearsal dates have been scheduled but are flexible depending on the musicians who respond. If you're interested or have questions, email the Young Adult group at YA@trinityroselle.com

You can filter our different calendars below to see what is going on around Trinity!

*Please note: Not all events that are scheduled to use Trinity's facilities are included on this calendar.