Zippy - Comfort Dog

Zippy Our Comfort Dog brings comfort to all who meet her.

Zippy & her handler, Janice.

Psalm 35:10 ""My whole being will exclaim, “Who is like you, Lord? You rescue the poor from those too strong for them, the poor and needy from those who rob them.”

Zippy is a trained LCC K-9 Comfort Dog at Trinity Lutheran Church in Roselle, Illinois. She serves every day in the community in which she is placed and is deployed in times of disaster and crisis to bring comfort to all those affected, including first responders and the volunteers who serve them.

Zippy is a friend who brings a calming influence and allows people to open up their hearts and receive help for what is affecting them. Comfort Dogs are available to visit your church or group. 

Zippy with two of her biggest fans before church services at Trinity